Recent content by whenpigsfly

  1. whenpigsfly

    China does some impressive engineering!

    Saw the title and thought of when Trump says China lol.
  2. whenpigsfly

    Latest emails connected to Clinton--concerning?

    Politics is so dumb half the time, waste of time.
  3. whenpigsfly

    My Choice for President

    anything other than saddle bag hillary. i dont know how people can support her with this fbi stuff going on and the emails.
  4. whenpigsfly

    Do Atheists pick on others (Off Topic version)

    a lot of them bash because a lot of christians act like theyre perfect when theyre not
  5. whenpigsfly


    Any chili fans here?
  6. whenpigsfly

    Christians who think they're perfect

    Like one person here on this forum who thinks he's appointed by God as a judge. I might be Atheist, but it's still a nasty trait.
  7. whenpigsfly

    Ask iBot

    Are you related to iRobot?
  8. whenpigsfly

    The Official Chat Thread - Part 2

    Hi, we need more interaction in the politics section.
  9. whenpigsfly


    How does the whole practice of leaving judging to God work if so many Christians feel they need to judge to show people their errors and that they need Christ?
  10. whenpigsfly

    How is Jesus the first born of the dead?

    Please, like you haven't done that in that other thread.
  11. whenpigsfly

    The Quran supposedly being good

    You really have no room to talk, your postings aren't the best either.
  12. whenpigsfly

    The Quran supposedly being good

    I like your answer. In my thoughts, the OT had its bloody moments, but though I do not follow it, I can see your point about Jesus telling those who follow Him to leave all that bloody thoughts behind.
  13. whenpigsfly

    The Quran supposedly being good

    I could say the same for you really with how you seem to post in other thread imho lol.
  14. whenpigsfly

    How is Jesus the first born of the dead?

    I am pretty sure that the Bible says Jesus died on the cross, so then how could you say he never died.
  15. whenpigsfly

    How is Jesus the first born of the dead?

    Because I want to ask?
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