Recent content by Katt5.56

  1. Katt5.56

    Who is the salt?

    I believe He is talking to His believers. They are salt of the earth. Although the salt is still mixed with bits of other things (back then salt would not be as pure as it is today) it is able to prevent rot. Our saltyness is our moral character and faith and the rot we help prevent is...
  2. Katt5.56

    Cross dressing pastors!

    The bible expressly says that men should not dress as women. This specifically was declared to be an expression of homosexual approval in the church. And we are to separate ourselves from this world, not use culture and tradition as an excuse to deny the teachings of The Bible. Sent from my...
  3. Katt5.56

    Cross dressing pastors!

    Absolutely. The entire point of drag is to allow men to live out sexual fantasies and give themselves over to wild imaginations and behavior unbecoming to those made in the image of God. Celebrating sin and promoting it hold no separate distinction. Also, by a daughter watching her father behave...
  4. Katt5.56

    Cross dressing pastors!

    But why would a pastor exhibiting these behaviors be acceptable because one behavior is as sinfully as another. By that logic we should just live in out sin and pastors should have no moral. This man isn't just being accepting if homosexual behavior but promoting it. If he was promoting...
  5. Katt5.56

    Cross dressing pastors!

    Even if you took the homosexuality out of it, it would still be completely inappropriate behavior for a pastor. If he was smoking crack with the congregation he would also be fired. Would anyone find problem with that? So promoting behavior that has undeniable consequences of addiction...
  6. Katt5.56

    Cross dressing pastors!

    Only what's available. He was apparently trying support his pansexual daughter and hopes that him doing this would bring unity with the church and the lgbtxyz community. Not to bring sinners to repentance but to try and convince people that it's no big deal. And guess what? It is a big deal...
  7. Katt5.56

    Cross dressing pastors! How can him being fired be the big problem. How could you lead your flock so far from the path. Sent from my B140DL using Tapatalk
  8. Katt5.56

    What book of the Bible did Peter get this from?

    It sounds to me like the book of Enoch. Sent from my B140DL using Tapatalk
  9. Katt5.56


    Thank You everyone. Sent from my B140DL using Tapatalk
  10. Katt5.56


    Taking scripture out of context can be so dangerous. Most of the people who fall into false doctrines back it up using misquoted and uncontextualized scripture. It turns The Word into a magic eight ball. I recently met a man who used scripture to advocate for mysticism. It's human nature to see...
  11. Katt5.56

    People with kids.

    I am single with three kids from a previous marriage. I know that it is an issue for some people, but for me it just makes things easier. If the kids are a problem then I guess The Lord has other plans for me. Sent from my B140DL using Tapatalk
  12. Katt5.56


    I've been so reluctant to use the internet to meet people. What a relief to find so many Christian forums. Fellowship in Christ can be hard to find, let alone a personal relationship. Sent from my B140DL using Tapatalk
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