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  1. TurtleHare

    Money to your friends?

    Do y'all ever loan out money to your friends? Asking for a friend. :smirk:
  2. TurtleHare

    Should the pope step down

    DHofman is afraid I'm debating and suggested a new thread so here it is. Should the pope step down because of his lack of action when informed of the allegations of sexual abuse in his church and on his watch?
  3. TurtleHare

    Temple tax

    The temple tax was a requirement of men who were Jews and over the age of 20 and was seen in the old and new testaments but when did it end?
  4. TurtleHare

    Little gods

    Does your religion teach that you are transformed into little gods?
  5. TurtleHare

    Romans 11:6

    But if it is by grace, it is no longer on the basis of works, otherwise grace is no longer grace. That's what Romans 11:6 writes and when you take it side by side with we are saved by grace through faith you cannot add your works in there alongside it because it annuls the grace part if it's...
  6. TurtleHare

    Has God led you to change your name?

    I'm thinking of Jacob to Israel and Abram to Abraham here and wonder if y'all ever thought you were being led by God to change your name?
  7. TurtleHare

    Demons in church?

    There are churches that expel demons from members of their church but can demons be inside a church in the first place?
  8. TurtleHare

    Do you kiss your little cross?

    What is the point of kissing your little cross?
  9. TurtleHare

    2 Christians pray for the same thing

    I really hate it when Christians try to tell someone you gotta have enough faith and God will give it to you whatever you desire but that is far from the truth. What happens when 2 Christians are praying for the exact same thing and only one of them can receive it? They're both faithful...
  10. TurtleHare

    Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness

    In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness. Hebrews 9:22 This verse popped up for me today and brought to light more assurance of forgiveness at the cross because of the death of Jesus and his blood instead...
  11. TurtleHare

    Church peer pressure does it happen to you?

    Does your church bully you into thinking or behaving a certain way? There are churches who put a lotta peer pressure on its members to perform in a way they expect do you find this in your church at all?
  12. TurtleHare

    Those icky Christians!

    What turns others off about Christianity?
  13. TurtleHare

    Are liberal colleges a threat to Christians

    Should we stop sending our children to liberal colleges where they are influenced into becoming atheists?
  14. TurtleHare

    God and his love

    Is God's love really unconditional?
  15. TurtleHare

    Christian sites?

    Do you visit Christian forum sites that aren’t owned by Christians? My pal and I had this discussion about the money making kind of owners who don't really run their sites and put up all kinds of advertising to help them make more money do you contribute to their paycheck?
  16. TurtleHare

    Recognizing sin

    Why are we able to recognize sin in our neighbors and not ourselves?
  17. TurtleHare

    (No debate)Religious arguments in public debate

    Oh those crazy Christians who want to force their beliefs onto the public is the voice of the public and in terms of public debate it can be frowned upon to use religious arguments. Historically were there more religious arguments used in days gone by as opposed to today and what arguments were...
  18. TurtleHare

    How can an unbeliever please God?

    The Justification thread got so long that I did not want my question to get lost in the mess of things and here we can talk about a thing that was brought up and is important and yet it does not fit with what I was taught. How can an unbeliever please God is my question and it is from that...
  19. TurtleHare


    How and when do you know to correct your brother in Christ?
  20. TurtleHare

    Ecumenical Sunday

    Do y'all have this at your place of worship where you focus on unity with other Christians?
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