Recent content by ValleyGal

  1. ValleyGal

    A $60,000 USD per year salary

    That's a pretty decent wage around here and for those who know how to budget, it even leaves some to put away for a rainy day....depending on whether you rent or own and how much your mortgage is.
  2. ValleyGal

    What happened to your childhood best friend?

    I have known my childhood best friend for 55 years. We met when I was 4. She married and stayed in our hometown, but her husband thinks I'm a bad influence and for many years he did not let me see her. Then she realized that she does not need his permission and has equal voice in marriage and...
  3. ValleyGal

    Is this due to losses in inhibition?

    Grief. Aging represents losses of every kind. Older family dies and you become the matriarch (or patriarch), children grow up and move away, so often that leads to downsizing and giving up assets in the process. Then there's loss of friends, independence, youth (and all that represents)...
  4. ValleyGal

    What changes did you make?

    Though I have a couple of very close friends, they don't know each other and I miss the benefit of belonging to a group. I started volunteering at one of the tourist attractions in a nearby city, and am having the best time! Customers come in waves as the tours have set times, so in between...
  5. ValleyGal

    Who taught you how to love?

    My dearly departed.
  6. ValleyGal


    I am an "elder" but am not "elderly". Elderly makes it sound like I am permanently bent over with an irreversible hunch, walker or cane, deep wrinkles, dull gray-purplish hair pulled into a messy low bun, no teeth, and need full-time, 24-hour care. And I've lived a long time to earn the 10%...
  7. ValleyGal

    Mental Health Vs Reality

    They were a bad influence on you, but can you flip that and become a good influence on them? I obviously don't know your family experience or their side, but ime, estrangement should only be reserved for the most egregious acts such as ongoing abuse of any kind, or possibly addictions. My...
  8. ValleyGal

    As you have gotten older

    " able to..." We have to balance the rights and responsibilities of the woman as well. Saying "be able to" is a matter of moral judgement, and no, I wish no one would choose this. But "be able to" also means being able to have the adult choice about her own body. And no one ever suggested...
  9. ValleyGal

    As you have gotten older

    It is always the victim who suffers, and they have no choice in the matter. I'm sure anyone murdered at any age (fetus all the way to elderly) will say it wasn't okay. Murder is never okay. Victimizing anyone is never okay. People still do it. We can't change them, even by forcing our views on...
  10. ValleyGal

    As you have gotten older

    I value my faith more than anything in the world. I value the right to choose my faith. Without that right, I would be forced into hiding or into another religion that I reject. I value my right to choose how to live - my location, my career, my partner, my obedience to the God I love, how to...
  11. ValleyGal

    Assembly required

    Dining room chairs. Thank goodness the ex was willing to help with it, and even with him, assembling these things needed another 4 arms! Thank you Ikea.
  12. ValleyGal

    Job-posting red flags

    Yep. "Commensurate with experience" is another phrase they use. Or "Email us with your salary expectations." I usually let them know I expect to be paid in accordance with standard salary for this profession. In fact, I normally don't respond unless they give a range. If they give a range, I can...
  13. ValleyGal

    Unsolicited advice

    I can say "thank you" and move on to make my own decisions. If five people are giving me the same advice, it's time to take a hard look at it. Sometimes you can take bits and pieces of advice and incorporate some of it without taking all of it. Sometimes their advice is something you haven't...
  14. ValleyGal

    Job Question

    I'm a mental health clinician and I have a BSW and MSW... social worker at heart. Iow, I don't do anything quietly. lol. I seek justice - more for those who come after me, because I have no intention of going back.
  15. ValleyGal

    Job Question

    That was my question to the union rep. He referred me to Workers Comp, who will decide if it's harassment or a "workplace mental health injury." All I know is that I am not going back, so they can figure out how to deal with it. Fully documented. Everything. I keep a journal at work due to the...
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